Branded Shop

Our community shops billions. Get a retailer account and start selling today!

Universal Cart Branded Shop
  • Convert a regular Wishfinity account to a retailer account for additional merchant functionality

  • Claim your social handle, protect your brand, control your WishLink (

  • Capture existing buyers who are searching for your brand and shopping for your products

  • Expose captive buyers to more of your merchandise and increase sales

  • Provide a native shopping experience, including search of your entire inventory

  • Grow followers who actually buy, plus see their other wishes, fans, and other valuable data

  • Gain analytics and insights into consumer activity: your followers, your merchandise in carts, followers of each product, what else your followers like, and more

  • Get set up within minutes (requires existing eCommerce site) — See example

$9/month (Free with a Premium Storefront)

Billed Annually