Acquire more shoppers.

Attract shoppers through our Universal Social Mall.

Wishfinity is a thriving virtual shopping center filled with thousands of hungry shoppers frequenting the hundreds of household brands already in the app. Now you can place your brand next to the big guys and benefit from their traffic in our online social mall.

The Wishfinity advantage. 

Designed to be as unique as individual shoppers themselves, our personalized mall accommodates shoppers' infinitely diverse interests by bringing brands from all over the internet together, regardless of size. And just like IRL, your branded storefront and featured products draw interested mall shoppers into your business. (ie. With a dedicated Wishfinity shop, we send all buyers to your website for purchases. We never take your customer — they remain yours.)

Brand followers become frequent shoppers.

Wishfinity shoppers newly exposed to your brand store can shop and buy any merchandise on your mall page. Items featured include those you manually add to the brand page and additional products found in wishlists on the platform. Those who choose to follow your brand will keep your brand shop at the front of their virtual mall.

They shop now and even more later.

With Wishfinity, shoppers not ready to buy at that moment aren't lost. Whether shoppers browse your featured mall inventory or your retail site, they can easily add products for purchase later. And unlike ad retargeting and abandoned cart notifications, when shoppers save an item to their Wishfinity, it becomes shop-able by even more wallets.

Gifters become buyers.

Friends and family intent on gifting can easily shop the wishlist where they'll be directed to your site for purchase. And with our +W option, family and friends can also choose to add any existing wish to their own wish registry.

Wishes become buyable trends.

But wait, it gets even better! As more and more individuals save an item, the item's exposure gets amplified within the mall community's Trending Feed. Where again, the +Wishfinity (add to wishlist) allows merchandise to keep proliferating into countless additional wishlists if not bought directly.