Let your merchandise go viral.

Shoppers not ready to "Buy Now" can add any product in the mall instantly to their own wish registry by clicking the +W. As more and more individuals save an item, the item's exposure gets amplified within the mall community's Trending Feed. Where again, the +Wishfinity (add to wishlist button) allows merchandise to keep spreading into additional wishlists, if not bought directly.

And unlike other social channels, these product wishes don't just spread between friends and family on social or within the channel. Every +Wishfinity item becomes a part of the mall inventory, ready to be discovered by users around the globe (similar to Pinterest but with the intention to purchase, not collect or aspire to).

More Shopping > More Carts > More Sales

Wishlist Virality

Project sales and fuel visibility. 

Unlike other wishlists, whether a shopper creates a product wish or adds one already in the system, we can match the SKUs to give you visibility into your most coveted inventory. And just like basic Algebra, the compounding popularity of an item across wishlists exponentially fuels visibility in the app Trending Feed and content channels.

Once an item is in someone's wish list, it's a persistent buy now call to action to the wisher as well as friends and family looking to buy a gift. Abandoned cart notifications and save-for-later purchase flows lack this advantage. With gifting, Wishfinity naturally brings more potential buyers to every item not bought yet.

Leverage +W tools to increase Mall visibility.

With our +W tools, users can add your products to their shopping lists in a number of ways outside the app too.

Boost Virality by Taking Advantage of more +W Tools from Wishfinity

  • Deploy the +W across your e-commerce site, and your products will be front of mind every time users visit their personalized mall.

  • Online shops can take advantage of the +W from the Shopify or Wordpress apps.

  • Don't have the +W button installed yet; no worries. Wishfinity shoppers can use the +W Browser plug-in to save your products to their wishlist.

  • Android and iOS users can add products while in-person (or window) shopping with +W QR codes.