Graduation Gifting — Gifting — Wishfinity

Definitive Guide to Graduation Gifts.

Graduation is a special time for students and their loved ones. It's the moment when students finally get to see what's been waiting just beyond those last few rows of seats: freedom, independence, and all the possibilities that await them. Whether they are graduating from college, junior high school, or pre-k, there's an infinite number of graduation gifts to choose from in order to mark such a monumental milestone. But of course, you want the very best graduation gift ideas that make your gift the bee's knees, something your graduate will talk about for years to come. So let's explore where to find the best graduation gift ideas for every type of grad you might be celebrating this season.

Graduate Gift Registries, They Do Exist!

To really make their day with a meaningful and lasting gift you should know what they want the most. This is why it's so important for graduates to be able to register with a gift registry site before graduation season starts! Wishfinity allows this season's graduates and everyone else to create an account and universal wishlist everything they'd like. Soon-to-be grads can then share that wishlist with fam and friends.

Ease Graduation Anxiety with Better Gifting

Keep in mind, this is a time when students might be feeling a lot of pressure on all aspects of their daily lives. And with so many friends and family asking what they want as gifts, they could default to asking for the same thing basic things over and over, or feel as though what they really want or need is asking for too much. Encourage grads to create a broad wishlist. Reiterate this is a no-judgment, it's okay to have big and little wishes, sort of exercise. And if they say cash works to fit any budget, they aren't wrong, but the opportunity to pair it with something more whimsical, functional, pretty, or lasting allows the gifter to make a more creative impression.

Going Beyond the Basics of Gifting Graduates Cash

Figuring out where to start might seem exhausting, and money is always appreciated, right? Undoubtedly, cash is a great option but not the only way to give a graduate a gift they will like. In fact, your best option may be to find something unique, useful, or sentimental to pair with your cash gift. Either way, be sure to include a thoughtful sentiment, preferably something beyond 🎓 ✨ in your Venmo description.

💰 favorite cash apps for graduates to link to in their wishlist: Venmo, Zelle, Paypal, Cash App, Google Pay. Worried you won't know which is the right one? Graduates can easily link their payment channels into their Wishfinity wish list.

Tomorrow is just as Important as Today

It's natural for a child to be excited about their next step in life as they go off into the real world on their own. But, you might feel like it's just not enough and want to do more while they're still under your roof.

These gift categories are perfect because they bridge into the next phase of life.

  • Tech: nothing spells new beginnings than a new laptop, tablet, or phone.

  • Life Insurance: too few individuals realize life insurance is an asset that grows with the individual and additionally serves as a cost-saving one later in life. A pre-k student might not be impressed today, but they will be for decades later. Well worth it, just pair it with something more fun.

  • Travel: airline bucks, new tires, anything that suggests "go see the world, and come back during the holidays" is appreciated.

Show Graduates You Care About What They Care About

A donation certificate to one of their favorite charities or the opportunity for you to signal you appreciate their compassion and support their vision of a better world.

Treat Your Grad With Something They Don't Expect

So, why not create something unique to gift a graduate? It may not be perfect and it may not be on their list, but that's because it's all you. Depending on what you do best, take a look at the gifts on their universal wishlist. Notice a theme or a gift where you can create something to pair with it and make it extra special. Go for it!